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Download FREE EFT Tapping Scripts, essential oil blend combination charts, and recipe e-books.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Tapping scripts can be combined with essential oil blends for quick emotional repatterning. Our thoughts and emotional patterns change our bodies.* A newly published Emotional Freedom Technique study shows that EFT can change gene expression. And, essential oils also support the transformation of body, mind and spirit.*

*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.

"I love your products already! I've been doing EFT for years but never thought of combining it with essential oil formulas. Just brilliant! Thank you & Aloha :)" - Deb

"I love, love, love your tapping scripts. Thank you soooo very much for your products. I am so excited to begin using them. 🙂 Also, I truly appreciate you for your love of helping people. It shows by the amount of free content you offer. I just wanted to acknowledge my appreciation and say again,Thank you. May God bless every employee and family member of your employees. You are ray of light in this world. Thank you!" - Adrianne Harris